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EduKick Tips for Players Studying Abroad

Are you really ready to study abroad at an international soccer boarding school? It’s something you’ve been looking forward to ever since you signed up or thought of registering.

To get the most out of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, EduKick directors recommend making the proper preparations first. Follow these tips to make sure you’re ready for your study abroad academic year soccer program, and make sure you get full credit for it.

1) Make sure you get your passport and student visa.

First thing before studying abroad in a soccer boarding school: acquire or update your passport and your student visa. Start this process about six months before you go to allow ample time, just in case of any mishaps.

Although most of the time the visa process is pretty straightforward, there have been a few rare instances where a student ended up needing another piece of documentation at the last minute. If you’ve started the process early enough, then you have plenty of time to make any corrections necessary so you aren’t scrambling at the last minute.

2) Talk to your school to make sure you’re on the same page.

When you first decide to attend an international study abroad soccer program, talk to the appropriate person in your high school to work out credit for the courses you take while studying abroad.

You may have to share the foreign study curriculum and get your school’s approval, or have them sign an agreement giving you credit for passing certain classes. This ensures you’ll know where you stand with your school when you return from studying abroad in one of EduKick’s soccer schools.

3) Take summer school to make up the classes you’ll miss.

Surround the study abroad soccer program with summer school two months before you leave, and two months after you get back home. The program runs from September to June, so you’ll have July and August both before and after the program to take your summer school courses. This will ensure you don’t fall behind in academic credit.

Register with an online correspondence accredited high school. This way, you can get credit for key subjects online while abroad. One online high school that we recommend to our North American students is EduKick international soccer boarding schools offer all students access to Internet, making it easy to take online courses.

With summer school before and after the soccer program, and two or three online courses while you’re abroad, you’ll be in a good position academically with your home school and won’t have to postpone graduation to meet your requirements.

4) Train daily before studying abroad in a soccer camp or boarding school.

It’s vital to make sure you’re physically prepared for the daily training. Although you may think you’re in good shape training two or three times a week, it’s not enough to prepare you for the strenuous training regime at an EduKick international soccer camp.

Most students, unfortunately, aren’t ready for the strain of being out on the pitch every day. EduKick coaches have seen unprepared players handle the training for only a week or so before their body starts to break down.

Ensure that you are ready by running, doing cardio, and working with the ball every single day. Vary your routine (ball work one day, gym the next), but get your body used to a good daily workout. This way, you get your body to the point that you can live with the tough physical demands of daily professional soccer development training.

Remember: discipline is a very important part of the program. This is your professional reputation as a player. You need to arrive on time for sessions and make sure that you are physically and mentally prepared for all the training.

Like many things, you’ll get out of your EduKick international soccer school experience what you put into it. If you push yourself both in the classroom and on the pitch, you’ll come away with experience and skills far beyond your peers at home.

Want to learn more about international soccer camps? Visit EduKick online at